​At Acre, we find and develop the right people to make businesses ready for tomorrow. We connect talented individuals with aspirational organisations to deliver impact.

With two decades of experience in global CSR and sustainability recruitment, we have unparalleled access to market-leading candidates. In order to place exceptional environmental professionals into environmental jobs around the world, we will consult, advise and challenge your thinking to help deliver the best, most informed solutions for your business.

Our global networks and unparalleled expertise are go-to resources for world-leading organisations, from NGOs to FTSE companies, meaning that we will often be engaged in some of the world's most interesting positions.

​What do head of environmental jobs entail?

The responsibilities of a Head of Environment are to manage the often conflicting needs of people, the environment and the success of the business.

Heads of Environment support businesses to develop an environmental conscience, reducing costs whilst as a result making choices that will positively impact the earth and the people who call it home.

Heads of Environment enable organisations to measure and improve their sustainability performance, whilst driving increased value and supporting the overarching business’s objectives.

Why are environmental jobs important?

With the increasing risks associated with climate change, environmental jobs are critical in making steps to work towards a carbon neutral world, and this demand is only set to grow further.

Head of environmental positions are therefore absolutely vital to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Environmental jobs help companies work towards certain sustainability goals such as reducing emissions, enhancing sinks of carbon emissions, and building the resilience of human and ecological systems.

What skills do companies need in a Head of Environmental role?

The technical expertise required for the head of environmental role will vary depending on the individual, the organisation, the sector within which you operate, and more.
Having said that, driving change and delivering a measurable impact in a head of environmental role cannot come down to technical expertise alone. Increasingly, environmental professionals are required to understand the wider commercial objectives of their business and effectively position environmental considerations as an integral part of achieving them.

Head of environmental professionals need key non-technical skills to drive an internal and external cultural change around the way that the environment is factored into decision making; skills such as Executive Influence, Strategy Development and Delivery, and Inclusive Leadership.

On a daily basis, we help organisations find experienced environmental professionals with this skillset to fill their open roles. We also develop and assess our environmental candidates against our bespoke competency framework, which provides an objective benchmark for understanding where an individual and/or team’s non-technical strengths lie and where they should aim to improve. We then provide tailored learning and development solutions designed to tackle these skill gaps head-on.

Are there Head of Environmental Jobs available?

At Acre, we connect exceptional professionals to businesses determined to make the world a better place.

We work with established professionals who are on their way to creating a legacy and talented individuals who are just at the start of their environmental careers.

Whether you’re looking to create or fill head of environmental positions, our environmental recruitment team can help you find the best candidate for your role.

If you want to find out more about our environmental recruitment team, simply click here. If you and your business are interested in more information on filling and creating roles, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

What other types of Environmental careers are out there?

More and more organisations are now realising the importance of employing head of environmental professionals, and therefore many organisations have to expand their environmental departments, too.

As a result, we recruit for a large array of different environmentalist jobs.

These career paths often include: climate resilience, biodiversity and natural capital, circular economy, environmental management systems (EMS) and Net Zero and Net Positive and so much more.

What are some useful resources for Head of Environmental professionals to have?

If you want to learn more about environmental talent trends, or you're interested in starting a career in the environmental industry, click here to browse through some of our latest thought leadership.​

We have a diverse range of roles outside of the environmental sector that we recruit for too, including:
Sustainable Finance
Energy & Clean Technology

Browse our Head of Environment jobs here. You can also see a full range of our CSR jobs by heading to our job search here. We have a diverse offering including green jobs and conservation jobs.

With offices in London, Amsterdam, New York and Singapore, we are growing our global coverage.​

If your business is interested in our services, please contact us today. We regret we are unable to support career enquiries via the form below, but please review our current opportunities in our jobs section.
If you are seeking a career change to move into the areas we support, please see a useful list of resources to aid your search here.

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