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Diversity & Inclusion

The Equality Act 2010


Diversity and Inclusion are vital principles that foster a fair and inclusive society, promoting and creating opportunities for all individuals regardless of their background. The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society.


It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations. It sets out the different ways in which it’s unlawful to treat someone.



Diversity and Inclusion Policy Statement


  • The Directors and staff of Acre are committed to a policy of equality of opportunity in the employment practices of the company. No potential or actual employee will receive more or less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, colour, nationality or ethnic origin, marital status, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, or religious beliefs.

  • The Directors and staff believe that it is in the company's best interests to ensure that the human resources, talents, and skills available throughout the community are considered when employment opportunities arise.

  • The Directors and staff will seek to ensure that their policies do not discriminate on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic origins, marital status, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, or religious beliefs.

  • Steps will be taken by the Directors and staff to ensure that individuals are treated equally and fairly and that decisions on recruitment, selection, training, promotion, and career management are based solely on objective and job-related criteria.

  • Acre will aim to provide a work environment in which everyone is free from harassment and bullying and is treated with dignity. The Company will ensure that knowledge and understanding of, and respect for, cultural differences will be the basis for promoting equal opportunities in employment and is reflected in the way in which employees respond to customers and the community in general.

  • The nominated person will take disciplinary action against members of staff who discriminate against or harass other members of the team, clients, or other people with whom they come into contact in the course of their employment by Acre, for reasons of gender, marital status, race, colour, ethnic origin, religion, disability or sexual orientation, age or nationality.

  • Any employee who believes that they have not been equitably treated within the scope of the policy should raise the matter with their manager. Any job applicant who believes that they have not been equitably treated may write to Acre who will investigate the complaint.




The parties who have responsibilities in these matters include:


  • All employees – to act in a manner which follows the spirit and intention of this policy in order to ensure that Acre employment policies provide equal opportunities.
  • Line Managers - to provide equal opportunities for the employees under their supervision, and to deal immediately and appropriately with any issues which may be brought to their attention.
  • The Directors – to provide advice and guidance to Line Managers in order to establish and maintain an equal opportunities environment, and to assist with the prompt investigation of any claims that may arise.



Key legal obligations regarding Equality & Diversity


In order to establish an understanding of the legal obligations regarding Equality and Diversity Acre will focus on continuous communication of the following key messages:


  • Each employee will be encouraged to assist the company in meeting its commitment to provide equal opportunities in employment and avoid unlawful discrimination.
  • Employees will be made aware that they can be held personally liable as well as the Company for any act of unlawful discrimination.
  • That it is unlawful to treat someone less favourably on grounds of disability or to fail to make reasonable adjustments to overcome barriers to employment caused by disability.
  • That it is unlawful to discriminate directly or indirectly in the provision of goods, facilities, or services to customers on the grounds of sex (which may include gender reassignment, and identification), race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, marital status, age, sexual orientation, disability or religious beliefs.
  • That it is unlawful to discriminate, without justification, on grounds of disability or to fail to make reasonable adjustments to overcome barriers to using services caused by disability.
  • That it is unlawful to victimise someone because they have alleged unlawful discrimination or supported someone to make a complaint or given evidence in relation to a complaint.


Recruitment & Selection of staff


Systems and procedures are in place that will ensure that the recruitment process will be fair and void of any discrimination. This will not only be established through the continuation of good practice and procedures but also through adequate (refresher) training/coaching of all Acre staff involved in the recruitment process.



Training and Development


Training and education will be established through the following methods:

Acre will provide training in equal opportunities to managers and others likely to be involved in recruitment or other equal opportunity decision-making processes.

Acre will provide training to current and new employees to help them understand their rights and responsibilities and what they can do to help create an environment free of any form of discrimination and/or harassment.





The responsibility for awareness, compliance, and continuous improvement will rest with management. This will be supported throughout the company by:


  • Ensuring that this policy, including the key legal messages, is regularly communicated to all staff.
  • Application / Process



Adjustments to working arrangements


Reasonable adjustments to working arrangements will be made, wherever possible, to ensure that disabled employees are helped in gaining access to the facilities on company premises, and in progressing in their career, subject only to the opportunity existing, the applicant's suitability, capability, and desire.



Handling of claims


Acre commits itself to the immediate investigation of any claims of discrimination on the above grounds and to appropriate remedial actions where the case is proven.


In the event that any employee feels that they have suffered discrimination in any way, the company grievance procedure should be utilised. If the complaint is against the employee's own immediate or another manager, a confidential application should be made to Acre who may authorise immediate reference to a higher level of management if this seems appropriate.