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Over the course of April, Acre convened a number of virtual round-tables to discuss business continuity and effective Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) leadership during the COVID-19 outbreak.For these discussions, we collaborated with business leaders from various global and blue chip organisations to openly assess and review business risk and shared challenges in the current climate and, by doing so, creating a platform for knowledge sharing and learning. Download a copy below to learn more about the five key challenges that emerged.

  • 736a66e1

    HSE professionals are being asked to makedecisions related to the health and safety of others with little to no supporting data

  • 08a47c6a

      Organisations are facing a shortage of PPE tooffer employees and where supplies do exist, HSE professionals are now havingto question the conformity of these items

  • 5cef448e

    Safeguarding the mental health of an inherentlysocial species is a layer of the equation we haven’t encountered on this scalebefore

The difficulty with battling a pandemic is that we must move at the pace of the crisis, not at the pace of the customer or the company. While this may feel unnatural or even impossible, the reality is that the virus isn’t going to stop and wait for us to adapt.

  • 9e3767d3

    What needs to be considered before HSE leaders can safely return their organisations to work?

  • A9f8cb5a

    What are HSE leaders doing to ensure that their employeesare well supported both mentally and physically?

  • C40b42bf

    How are HSE professionals managing challenges as they rapidly unfold?

  • Ae860121

    How are HSE professionals battling the global shortage of PPE?

Download Your Copy Here

​To download a copy, simply fill out the form below.

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