We know the value of informed decision-making.

Leadership assessments are a core aspect of our recruitment offering. Designed to integrate seamlessly into recruitment processes for businesses of all sizes, our leadership assessments allow you to look beyond education and experience to determine a candidate's potential fit for a role or business now and in the future. The insights we gather are measured against our in-house competency framework, which was built in partnership with 100+ industry leaders. Our assessments are conducted by a team of qualified, in-house consultants who have extensive experience assessing many of the most progressive, purpose-driven leaders across the globe.

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What's in it for candidates?

When we integrate our leadership assessments into recruitment, candidates benefit from valuable insight into their strength and development areas via a one-on-one feedback session with one of our development coaches.

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What's in it for hiring

Our leadership assessments help decrease the risks associated with hiring by providing transparent, objective and unbiased insight into prospective candidates' potential for success in a role and organization.

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How does it work?

Upon completion of an online questionnaire, our development coaches will generate an in-depth leadership report and consult with both parties on areas of the report to discuss further during final stage interviews.

Featured Content


  • Tony Leach - Keepmoat Homes - Testimonial

    The feedback provided from the assessment process run by Acre Frameworks has enabled Keepmoat to fully analyse and understand the development needs of its senior SHEQ team. This is invaluable to Keepmoat as although the managers have the right technical skills, there is a need for them to have stronger management and leadership skills as their roles evolve in a growing business.

    Keepmoat Homes logo

    Tony Leach, Group SHEQ Director

    Keepmoat Homes
  • Oliver Bones - Horizon Energy Group Ltd - Testimonial

    Acre helps empower safety professionals by helping them see their strengths and working with them for meaningful safety outcomes. - would give 6 stars if I could.

    Their leadership assessments are scarily accurate. The coaches are friendly and world-class - especially Ed!

    Oliver Bones, Senior HSEQ Business Partner

    Horizon Energy Group Ltd
  • Katie Warrick - Bettercoal - Testimonial

    ​​Working with Acre on a recent recruitment process has been a thoroughly enjoyable experience. They really invested the time to get to know me as a candidate, to understand my interests and motivations and ensure I was matched to the role.

    This meant that interviews were constructive because there was already a strong interest on both sides. An unexpected bonus has been two-hours of onboarding coaching. It’s been great to have that time to reflect and have a conversation about what comes next and what’s important to me as I take on this new challenge.

    Acre has been incredibly supportive and it's been a great experience.

    Bettercoal logo

    Katie Warrick, Executive Director

  • Margaux Nguyen - CodeGreen Solutions - Testimonial

    ​​Acre's leadership assessment and coaching sessions brought me a wealth of meaningful insight. During the recruitment process, Josh made me aware of my dominant personality traits and how those traits may lead to positive or negative leadership behaviors. Connecting these dots helped me understand which behaviors have led to success in my career, but also where I have been holding myself back.

    During the two subsequent coaching sessions with Ed, I was able to use these insights to create well-defined, concrete goals for my new role. I feel better equipped to pursue these goals with a newfound self-awareness of my strengths and weaknesses, because Acre provided guidance that was specifically tailored to me.

    CodeGreen Solutions logo

    Margaux Nguyen, Associate Director - Energy Management

    CodeGreen Solutions
  • Fiona Morgan - Sail GP - Testimonial

    ​Last year I worked with Acre to find a new role and as part of the process, I completed a leadership assessment and coaching program. It was amazing to get this added value as part of the process and shows Acre’s commitment to developing and growing talent. The assessment allowed me and my new employer to really understand my strengths and development areas through insight. It was great to ensure I was aligned to the role and wider organisation, culture and values which is critical in the purpose and sustainability field.

    A few months into my role I had a follow-up coaching session and it was really beneficial to stop, reflect and discuss my personal development. This service was a great addition to the recruitment process and I think very beneficial for all involved.​

    Sail GP logo

    Fiona Morgan, Director of Purpose

    Sail GP
  • Jeff Roycroft - Thai Union Group - Testimonial

    ​​I secured my dream job through Acre, who supported me throughout the entire process from the first interview to negotiating my contract.

    I was particularly impressed with the Leadership Competency assessment ahead of the final interview, and I was similarly impressed with the post-offer coaching sessions.

    This involved helping me learn from experiences in previous roles and how to lever this learning to formulate a clear strategy for starting my new role.

    Thai Union Group logo

    Jeff Roycroft, EHS Director - Europe

    Thai Union Group

Talent Assessment Technology

  • The 2023/24 Sustainability Census is Now Live

    The 2023/24 Sustainability Census is Now Live

    Download Here

    With over 2,200 responses, the report aims to paint a global, holistic picture of the sustainability profession within business and finance today.

    The 2023/24 Sustainability Census is Now Live
  • The Call to Action for Vulnerability & Courage in Leading Risk

    ​​In the midst of the evolution of the environment, health and safety industry, where human skills are being championed with equal weight as technical skills, a call to action has emerged for more courageous leaders.

    The Call to Action for Vulnerability & Courage in Leading Risk

Get in Touch

Why should you use Acre's leadership assessments?

Soft skills are harder to measure than technical skills due to their subjective nature. This is made more challenging by the emphasis on technical competence when transitioning from traditional, academic routes into safety and sustainability-related professions.

With this in mind, we partnered with safety and sustainability professionals, for safety and sustainability professionals to address this skill gap head-on.

We co-created a market-leading competency framework in collaboration with 100+ industry leaders to determine the key skills required for current and future leaders to disrupt traditional thinking and deliver measurable impact. Available at two levels, our framework assesses against the following competencies:

Foundations Level:

For junior to pre-management level professionals

Continuous Improvement
Flexible to Change
Managing Challenge
Planning & Organizing
Stakeholder Engagement
Taking Action
Team Player

Leadership Level:

For management to executive level professionals

Business Insight
Driving Change Through Others
Executive Influence
Inclusive Leadership
Innovation & Courage
Leads High Performing Teams
Legacy & Impact
Strategy Development & Delivery

Interested in learning more?

We'd love to discuss how leadership assessments can benefit your recruitment process. Please fill out the short form below and a member of our team will be in touch with more information.


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