Addressing ESG Integration in Private Equity

03 November 2023 by Acre & Petra Funds
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​​In the ever-evolving world of finance, the private equity sector finds itself at a crossroads. The industry, once synonymous with short-term profit maximisation, is slowly changing. Despite the urgent need for private equity firms to adopt more sustainable practices, a deeper look at Private Equity International’s Top 300 list reveals that only 88 of the 300 biggest fundraisers from last year have a dedicated ESG headcount.

With change comes opportunity, and it is more important than ever for GPs to adopt clear ESG policies and communicate a consistent message that underscores ESG’s role as a value driver. The current environment presents a series of factors that substantially influence the industry. These factors include regulatory and legal ambiguities, the opacity surrounding qualifications of personnel engaged in ESG matters, as well as the associated costs of involving ESG specialists. Additionally, GPs must consider how the increased demand for ESG-focused investment funds will affect their investment strategy and approach.

By addressing these challenges head-on, GPs gain several advantages, including improving their brand, increasing their ability to raise capital and attract and retain talent, presenting opportunities to mitigate risk, and optimising investment returns.

Addressing the issue: Short-term vs long-term focus

The historical association of private equity with short-term financial gains has led some firms to approach ESG integration with scepticism. However, this perception is evolving as investors increasingly recognize the long-term value creation opportunity represented by integrating sustainability principles into the investment process.

The evolving landscape is further highlighted by the transformation of ESG from a voluntary to a mandatory reporting paradigm. Despite political resistance, the EU and the US are enshrining voluntary LP reporting into law. Coupled with this is the increase in greenwashing claims, especially as the SEC looks to double down on enforcement in this area to protect investor interests.

Private equity firms now more than ever need the right resources in place, whether internally or externally, to mitigate risks and ensure compliance with ESG best practices.
As economic headwinds become more manageable and fundraising gains momentum, firms without the necessary resources to manage ESG-related inquiries will likely face intensified pressure and scrutiny.

Addressing the issue: Regulatory and legal uncertainties

Navigating regulatory frameworks linked to sustainability is perhaps one of the most significant challenges facing private equity firms. The evolving nature of these regulations creates uncertainty, deterring firms from fully committing to sustainability integration.

Nevertheless, firms that delay action while waiting for absolute clarity are postponing the inevitable. ESG-related regulatory requirements will grow, making it imperative for GPs to actively keep track of the evolving developments to ensure compliance and maintain consistency, especially with LP expectations.

When looking at regulatory challenges, Charlie Chipchase, Managing Director at Petra Funds Group said,

“Increasingly sophisticated LP requests and incoming regulatory requirements around ESG mean the burden will only increase. Successful fund managers will be those who are thoughtful about the balance between hiring in-house ESG talent and outsourcing the majority of annual monitoring and reporting lift to trusted partners.”

Firms must take proactive steps to shape a position on how to approach sustainability. This includes a comprehensive internal assessment aimed at identifying the specific regulations that could impact both the firm itself and its LPs, as well as understanding the mechanisms through which they might be affected.

Firms should consider several factors in their assessments, including:
•Current AUM/materiality
•Geographic presence
•Proximity to fundraising
•What their LPs are asking for on sustainability

By thoroughly evaluating these factors, firms can formulate an informed approach to ESG that aligns with their internal operations and caters to their LPs’ expectations and requirements, thereby establishing a robust foundation for ESG integration.

Addressing the issue: Perceived cost and resource constraints

ESG integration often means the allocation of additional resources, such as hiring ESG specialists, conducting audits, and updating reporting procedures. But how can PE firms ascertain the value of the services being performed in such a young industry?

“I think baulking at the initial cost is right, if the firm is only looking at sustainability from a cost center perspective. We are witnessing a growing divide between GPs who relegate ESG to the back office and those who fully integrate it into the CIO’s domain,” stated Nick Georgiou, Head of Private Markets and Real Assets at Acre.

“Whether it be in equity, debt, credit or real assets, we are seeing innovative and entrepreneurial plans created by sustainability professionals to incentivise their portfolios to adopt sustainable practises, resulting in significant value creation.”

As the ESG landscape matures, the ecosystem of credible ESG talent and specialist advisors is expanding, as are industry best practices. Similar to how law firms operate within the industry, this expansion is expected to introduce more competitive pricing for ESG services while not sacrificing value.

Within this burgeoning landscape, the emergence of a select group of specialized firms poised to assist PE firms in navigating ESG challenges is set to disrupt the industry. These specialists will help PE firms develop ESG strategies, oversee portfolio monitoring and reporting, conduct carbon accounting, and provide regulatory assurance and audit services.

When navigating the talent pool of ESG specialists, private equity firms should consider the following:
1.Quality over Quantity: The focus should be on the ESG specialists’ expertise and experience rather than amassing a large number of resources.
2.Cultural Fit: Ensuring the ESG specialists’ values align with the firm’s values and objectives.
3.Intellectual Curiosity: Aligning the firm with ESG professionals who demonstrate genuine curiosity for staying abreast of evolving ESG trends and regulations will position the firm for success.
4.Adaptability: Given the stage of ESG in private equity, assessing a specialist’s capacity to adapt to evolving ESG requirements is paramount.

What is the future of sustainability in private equity?

For private equity firms, successful ESG integration is not merely a procedural shift but also a cultural one. This shift demands a change in mindset within the organization, a commitment to transparency, and an unwavering readiness to learn and adapt as the sustainability landscape evolves.

By proactively addressing the challenges of ESG integration, private equity firms can pave the way for enduring success while fostering a business environment that is sustainable and responsible.

Moreover, the rewards of ESG integration are manifold. Adhering to sustainability principles has been linked to better risk-adjusted returns, increased assets under management during fundraising, access to superior talent, and enhanced regulatory relationships.

These benefits underscore not only the financial advantages of ESG integration but also the positive impact it can have on a firm’s overall reputation and operational resilience.
The evolving state of ESG integration in private equity is emblematic of a broader shift in the investment landscape. While the challenges are substantial, the opportunities are equally significant.

By embracing ESG integration with a strategic vision, private equity firms can navigate the complexities of this evolving landscape, securing long-term success while contributing to a more sustainable and equitable global economy.


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