What do we talk about in Episode 2: Future of the CSO?
With the role of the CSO ever-evolving, Acre has the duty of uncovering the skills, knowledge and insights from our network of current leaders in the industry to share with the next generation of change-makers. Over the last 3 months, Acre has teamed up with Mike Barry, previous CSO of Marks and Spencer, to interview the brightest and the best in the industry. ‘The Future of the CSO’ series will bring you an insight into how the role has changed, how it will continue to evolve, the skillset required and the challenges that will be faced. It is important that we keep learning, sharing and developing.
Who is Dorothée D'Herde?
In the second episode of the 'Future of the CSO' series, we were joined by Dorothée D'Herde, Head of Sustainable Business at the Vodafone Group. Currently leading the sustainability team at Vodafone, her aim is to work with colleagues across the company to deliver their purpose - Digital society, Inclusion & Planet. Dorothée is driven by wanting to make a positive difference for people and for the planet and brought over two decades of experience/knowledge in business, government and civil society to the conversation.

Who is Rufus Bullough?
Joining the conversation was a representative from Acre, Rufus Bullough, Head of Technology & Media - Sustainable Business UK. Rufus is a specialist Executive Search consultant, supporting Sustainability, Corporate Affairs and Communications functions since 2007. He works with Boards and Executive Committees to identify, evaluate and secure the modern blend of skillsets required where performance, purpose and reputation meet. Prior to joining Acre, Rufus was a Co-Founder and Partner at Mondo, which was acquired in 2017 by a leading Search firm.

Who is Mike Barry?
The second host to join the conversation is Mike Barry, Director of mikebarryeco and a long-standing leader in sustainable change. As the former Chief Sustainability Officer for Marks and Spencers, he is best known for his time at the organisation achieving zero-waste-to-landfill status, moving to 100% renewable electricity and achieving carbon neutrality across the global estate of stores, offices and warehouses. Alongside this long-standing legacy, Mike brings an array of broad experience working at an international level of business, charities, think tanks and startups.

Please watch the full interview series on the Acre Vimeo Channel to learn more.